
Multiple followers mod skyrim special edition
Multiple followers mod skyrim special edition

multiple followers mod skyrim special edition

These mods allow players to live like virtual Kings and Queens in a variety of abodes both humble and grandiose.

multiple followers mod skyrim special edition

RELATED: Skyrim: 10 Steam Workshop Mods To Keep You Playing This included a wealth of housing mods that went far beyond and above what the standard vanilla experience had to offer. When Bethesda released Skyrim Special Edition, it breathed new life into the game for the modding community to take advantage of.

multiple followers mod skyrim special edition

When the game released in November of 2011, players were blown away by the vast world, breathtaking landscapes, and engaging questlines. Keep in mind though, there is a skill check and at first, you might not be able to use it on every character.The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is undoubtedly one of the best RPG titles of all time.

  • SexLab Enchantress: Use magic to charm your way into the pants of most NPCs.
  • Spouses Enhanced v1.7.3: Does exactly what the title says.
  • Abduction SSE: This mod makes the conclusion of quests more interesting letting you abduct, enslave, capture and even adopt NPCs.
  • I’ll leave the detailed explanation to the official mod page
  • Schlongs of Skyrim Light SE: It’s basically a dick system, simply put.
  • Not essential, but it’s worth it mainly because of the 4K textures and better meshes. Adds an HDT skeleton for better physics, bouncy boobs and butt-jiggle.
  • XPMSSE: Required for Sexlab and SoS mod.
  • However, it helped shape many other mods, including the Sexlab framework Originally it was meant to add custom animations to Skyrim like better idle poses for characters, improved walking/running animations and even dance moves.
  • FNIS: Fores New Idles in Skyrim- the mod that started it all.
  • SexLab Light SE 0.1.1: The bare minimum required to run the Sexlab framework.
  • With that out of the way, lets discuss the mods I’ve integrated into this package. I’m merely combining and re-uploading them for convenience.
  • None of these mods have been created by me.
  • I’d suggest creating a backup in case things go South while you’re modding or if you don’t like any of the add-ons.
  • If you are bold and want like to try the ambitious ones, head to Loverslab and check them out.
  • The link provided in this guide has all the basic sexlab mods.
  • Skyrim Sexlab is a complex mod with almost a thousand animations (1K sex animations!), so I’d recommend first trying it out with an unmodded copy of Skyrim to avoid any CTDs or conflicts.
  • Keep in mind that it won’t work for the older 32-bit version. I’ll be explaining how to set up Skyrim Sexlab for the game’s Special Edition. And so here I am to the rescue with a simple guide and AIO download to make your day better. However, setting up Sexlab in vanilla Skyrim can be a right headache.

    Multiple followers mod skyrim special edition